A Modest Resolution for the New Year: Hey 2021, Don't Act Like Your Older Sibling!
January, 2021
To hijack one of my favorite sayings, no year is completely worthless. It can always serve as a bad example. On the bright side, thank goodness for the vaccine and the dedicated professionals who made it happen. In times of adversity, human ingenuity powers through to make remarkable advances.
In spite of the pandemic, we were able to spend some time in 2020 with our three children and their families. They all either live on the East or West Coast, so we are grateful for the days we got to see them. One of our 2021 resolutions is to exceed last year’s visitation time by a comfortable margin. The comfort level being defined as the point right before the kids grow weary of me spouting “dad-isms” all day long. Of course, there is only one way to find out what that threshold truly is. I should mention, they never grow tired of hearing mom-isms.
Thank you for your kind comments and valuable critiques this past year. We write these blogs and make the videos for fun, so any day we connect with friends is a good day.
Last but not least, we hope your new year is a peaceful one.
Cheers to you and your family,
Bob and Julia

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